GRIMM AND DREAD: “That Which You Have Promised”

About the Book

The anthology GRIMM AND DREAD: A CROW’S TWIST ON CLASSIC TALES, from Quill & Crow Publishing House, is a collection of twelve short stories that put a gothic twist on fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm. Delve into the darkest depths of these timeless classics.

Available in hardback, paperback, and e-book formats.

About My Story

Within the pages of GRIMM AND DREAD, you’ll find my short story, “That Which You Have Promised,” a gothic retelling of The Frog Prince.

Princess Irelina refuses to uphold her end of a bargain she struck with a frog, and in her selfish rage, the night ends in murder. When, upon death, the frog is revealed to be a prince, Irelina and her older sister Vera must decide how far they’ll go to protect their family, their kingdom, and each other.

What Readers Are Saying

A picture of the cover of GRIMM AND DREAD, with a headline that says, "Readers love Grimm & Dread!" Below the headline are quotes from readers: "...instant classics... truly amazing!" "From the first tale to the last, I was absolutely captivated..." "A fantastic, dark, enchanting book!"

The Vibes ✨

If you like to read to a soundtrack or background sounds, here’s the music and ambience that inspired me while writing.