HOUSES OF USHER: “The Curse on the House of Usher”

About the Book

2023 Saturday Visiter Award nominee HOUSES OF USHER from Love Letters to Poe is an anthology composed of thirty stories and poems inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher.” Explore the dark corners of the Usher vaults and the continuing legacy of this haunting gothic tale.

E-book, hardcover, and paperback editions available. Large print copies available here.

About My Story

Within the pages of HOUSES OF USHER, you’ll find my short story, “The Curse on the House of Usher.” Enter the Usher vaults hundreds of years before the Lady Madeline…

Finnian Ó Cosraigh, Baron of Wexford, is being held for ransom in the Usher vaults when another prisoner arrives – Annora, a woman accused of witchcraft. She claims that she is innocent, and that the powerful Ulrich Usher can vouch for her. As her execution looms ever nearer, will Usher speak on her behalf? And is Annora truly a witch, or only a woman scorned?

What Readers Are Saying

The contributors’ imaginations in Houses of Usher blew me away. Though they all draw inspiration from the same well, their stories and poems include twists and turns I never predicted.

H.V. Patterson, Dreadfulesque

Beautiful writing and lyrical prose in all stories that sets the right haunting atmosphere and transports the reader to another time and age.

– Pan | Book Reviews and Recommendations via Goodreads

The Vibes ✨

If you like to read to a soundtrack or background noise, here’s the music and ambience that inspired me while writing.